TAIWAN LGBT SCOUTS成立於2013年,中文名為羅浮童軍人權興趣小組,是台灣第一個,也是亞洲第一個童軍平權組織。該興趣小組在意社會人權議題,藉由舉辦讀書會、觀賞展覽、講座…等以化解社會對於LGBT族群及其餘少數族群的歧視及誤會,致力於使台灣社會朝向多元且包容的方向發展。
TAIWAN LGBT SCOUT is a group about the equal right for LGBT people among Taiwan Boy Scout and Girl Scout. We welcome scout who are in Taiwan and interested in this issue to join. Give our efforts together to get equal rights for LGBT people in SCOUTs and our society.